Related article: the main, yei the old-time opinion
was that one's Alma Mater should
come first. Judging from the
present parlous condition of seve-
ral branches of sport at Oxford,
the sooner the latter opinion asserts
itself again the better I Happily,
a better state of things exists at
General items of interest may
briefly be permitted. Since our
last, Death, alas ! has claimed
many notable sportsmen, viz. : —
Capt. D. H. Forbes (Royal Scots
Militia), the old Oxford cricket
•' Blue " ; Mr. *' Dan " Legge (the
old Oxford Rugby football "Blue")
— both having succumbed to ente-
ric Eskalith Cr at the front. Dr. Perkins (Cam-
bridge) has also solved the great
mystery. Per contra, Messrs. W.
A. L. Fletcher and W. A. Bolitho
(Oxford), the famous running and
cricket ** Blues," have been men-
tioned in Lord Kitchener's des-
patches from the front. Many
prominent Light and Dark Blue
sportsmen have also returned from
the war, and are now in residence
again. Under this category we
may include Messrs. Lambert,
Blake, Drinkwater (Oxford), and
Chapman, Russell, Elphinstone
(Cambridge). Hopes and fears
make up the game of life, and we
note that Lord Grimston (Oxford)
has come of age ; that Mr. C. B.
Fry (Oxford) lately attained his
29th birthday, and became a happy
father almost simultaneously ; that
Messrs. C. Wreford- Brown, A. C.
Wesbitt (Oxford) have been "given
in marriage " ; and that Messrs.
H. R. Blaker, A. C. Sinclair (Cam-
bridge), with several less known
Oxonians, are now members of
the noble army of Benedicts. We
may conclude by saying that the
"Commem." and "Mays" festivi-
ties at Oxford and Cambridge are
to be abandoned this year, owing
to the death of Queen Victoria the
Good. Some exception has been
taken to this on the Lithium Eskalith Eskalith 450 Mg ground that
general mourning closed over a
month ago, which is right enough.
All the same, noblesse oblige still
obtains at our great Universities,
and is as true now as ever it
Aqaatios. — The general outlook
for the season of 1901, now fairly
inaugurated, is altogether rosy.
By common consent it is going to
be one of the best on record,
socially and otherwise. Happily,
the racing outlook is good. Class
regatta fixtures and other river
functions of this nature are more
numerous than ever, while the
bold experiment of holding Walton
Regatta before Eskalith Er Henley has certainly
given a marked fillip to practice
and preparation. This old-time
meeting will act as a sort of dress
rehearsal for the Royal Carnival,
to which end almost a similar
programme has been arranged.
Another reason for the excep-
tional activity displayed thus early
is the entry of the Pennsylvania
University crew for the " urand "
at Henley. It is recognised that
at last English oarsmen will have
foemen worthy their steel, and —
taking the line of last year's
prowess— the Americans are a
very dangerous combination be-
yond doubt. Other French, Dutch,
and German crews are expected
to compete in the various events
also, so that the foreign element
will again be a feature of the Royal
meeting. By the way, we have
no Eskalith Cr 450 patience with sundry who
have again raised the question of
tabooing foreign entries at Henley
for the future. Together with
Sir John Edwardes-Moss, &c., we
regret that the Royal meeting ever
developed into an international
ditto ; but having done so it is
idle to talk of going back to old-
time conditions. Colonial and
foreign crews now look upon
Henley as the ultima Thule of
amateur oarsmanship, and rightly
so. Moreover, there is no doubt
that such international competition
tends to intensify those amicable
relations which at present exist
between oarsmen of every cooDtiy
and every clime. In passing, ve
deeply regret that the Heokf
stewards have had to face a serioas
deficit — some j^i,ooo — this ^ar.
Some attribute this to one ^ii^
and some to another, but what is
the use of splitting straws ? Tbe
real reason of the conspicuous ab-
sence of houseboats and launches
last year on the course was the
law recently passed forbidding the
re-letting of craft. Whether it
would be wise to return to the o^
plan is a moot point, in ^vduch
opinions differ greatly. Personallj,
we object to the Royal R^atta
becoming — what the shrine of
Diana was to the £phesians— a
unique source of profit in this
direction to certain enterprisii^
ones. All the same, the RoyaJ
meeting cannot be run at a loss,
and what is the remedy ? It has
been suggested, and we agree,
that the ever-increasing club lawns
and enclosures should be taxed
more heavily I — but this by the
way. It is refreshing to note that
the Leander, London, Thames,
the leading Oxford and Cambridge
College Clubs are already pre-
paring to dispute supremacy vnth
all comers for the ** Grand," &c
Of the crews generally, their pros-
pects and other matters germane
we shall speak fully next month
as usual. Suffice now to say that
rarely has such excitement evinced
itself all down the line, at this
stage as this year. Sailing, punt-
ing, and canoeing — the corollaries
of rowing, as they have been called
— are also being pursued, with truly
refreshing zeal. The Royal Canoe
Club will also be engaged in the
international fray in August, a
challenge for a series of races
from the Winchester Boat Club
(Boston U.S.A.) having been
accepted. Skifif racing on the
Thames has now acquired a new
and deserved importance, and we
471 -^vith satisfaction the formation
f a. Skiff Rowing Association this
ea.r. It has received Buy Eskalith the sanction
f ttie A.R.A., and (judging from
virrent events) its success is as-
ured ; regattas under its auspices
vill take place at Bourne End,
Windsor, Cookham, Thames Dit-
:oii, "Wargrave, Henley, Tedding-
LOiiy &c., during the season.
The sensational Inter-'Varsity
Boat Race this year was followed
by another sensational rowing feat
on the part of Messrs. Spencer
OoUan, G. Towns (English Cham-